Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Legacy

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we come together to celebrate more than just a day on the calendar. Dr. King, who fought for racial equality and justice, also understood the pivotal role of unions and the labor movement in advancing these noble causes.

In 1968, the night before his tragic assassination in Memphis, Dr. King spoke with a group of AFSCME sanitation workers who were courageously on strike, demanding higher wages, improved working conditions, and recognition of their union. This illustrated Dr. King's unwavering commitment to the struggles faced by workers and his recognition of the vital connection between civil rights and labor rights.

Dr. King also famously said that β€œthe arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” 

In recent years, AFSCME Texas has embraced this spirit in our ongoing efforts to secure a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and 13th check for our dedicated retirees. Inspired by the spirit of leaders such as Dr. King, we persist in bringing about positive changes that benefit all.

As we honor Dr. King's enduring legacy, let us reflect on the collective power of our union, drawing inspiration from those who paved the way for justice. Our commitment to larger goals, like Dr. King's, fuels our determination to create a right and just Texas.


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Retiree Groups Join Forces to Add a 13th Check