Not Giving Up on a 13th Check — Your Feedback is Needed

Your experiences and stories are powerful tools in our fight for a 13th check and your financial security in retirement.

To help support our efforts, please take a moment and fill out the brief survey about working after retirement found in this month’s newsletter, which you should be getting in the mail. You can also complete the survey via email. 

Your input is invaluable, as it helps us present a comprehensive and unified case to lawmakers. Your responses will provide valuable insight into state employees' challenges and successes. They will also emphasize the significance of securing a 13th check or a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) during the interim and upcoming special sessions.

Our fight is far from over. 

During the interim, we will continue meeting with legislators, urging them to support those of us who are no longer active state workers. And, in pursuit of a more secure financial future for all retirees, we will call on Governor Abbott to add a 13th check to the call for the special session this fall, as our president, Luther Elmore, recently wrote in the Statesman. 

Let's stand united and strong as we navigate these challenges together.


Please take a moment to cut and paste these questions into an email and answer them in the body. If you are willing to share your stories, please add your name and contact information:

  • Did you continue to work (for the State or elsewhere) after you retired from the State of Texas? Yes or No

  • If so, did/do you work part-time or full-time?  Part-Time or Full-Time

  • Are you presently employed?  Yes or No

  • Do you financially support other family members (children, grandchildren, parents, etc.)? Yes or No

  • Since you retired, have you received financial help through public assistance programs like SNAP or private charities like food banks?  Yes or  No


Electing Supportive Candidates Who Stand Toe to Toe with Retirees


Let’s Elect Leaders Who Back a 13th Check and COLA